Watch out! Diamonds are rare in most biomes. Enter a seed number to find them easily!
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Minecraft Block Finder

1.21 (Latest)

How to Use


Enter World Seed

Type your Minecraft world seed in the search box. This is the unique number that determines your world generation.


Enter Coordinates

Enter the X and Z coordinates where you want to search. These determine the center of your search area.


Choose Settings

Select your Minecraft version, dimension (Overworld, Nether, End), platform (Java or Bedrock), and the type of block you want to find.


Find Blocks

Click the Find Blocks button to find the locations of your selected blocks. We'll show you the nearest blocks to your coordinates!

Tutorial Video

Watch this tutorial to learn how to find your world seed in Minecraft.


You can search for almost any block thats not commmon like grass, but most importantly it can help you find ores (like diamonds, ancient debris).

Simply enter your world seed in the search bar and select the version and type of Minecraft you are playing.

Yes! The tool supports both Java and Bedrock editions up to version 1.21.

Our tool uses the official Minecraft world generation algorithms to provide up to 95% accuracy in locating blocks and structures.

Generating World...

Mining Animation

Looking for blocks in your world...

Please wait while we find the blocks in your world.

Redirecting in 60 seconds...